Hi there!
I’m Minsu and I’m a Ph.D. Candidate in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin, where I’m researching clinical neuroengineering with Prof. José del R. Millán.
Prior to starting my Ph.D. program, I finished my undergraduate study and research in electrical engineering at Korea University with interest in complex systems. In my sophomore year, I had a chance to work on the EyeWire project at Princeton University where I found my passion for advancing neurotechnology with electrical engineering knowledge. After graduation, I interned for a year at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology in Dr. Cho’s lab, where we developed multi-functional neural probes for electrophysiology recording and stimulation.
All these valuable experiences led me to research on advancing health using effective neuromodulation through closing the brain-machine interface (BMI) loop. I enjoy researching biological cognitive system and hope to become a researcher who not only advances knowledge but also shares it through teaching.
This blog is my first step towards sharing knowledge. I hope you find it helpful and enjoyable!
Minsu Zhang, Feb. 28th, 2024
Email: minsuzhang[at]gmail[dot]com